Wheat has spiked inflorescences. A leaf emerges from each node. A wheat spike consists of two glume and three florets. Sometimes the number of flowers reaches 9. The wheat grain is placed between two spoon-like covers called the outer diaper (lemma) and the inner diaper (palea). Wheat leaves, like the leaves of other cereals (except corn and millet), are thin and narrow and have small tabs. Wheat grain consists of these materials: 7 to 18 percent protein (depending on the type of wheat), 60 to 70 percent starch, 2 to 2.5 percent cellulose (crude fiber), 1.5 to 2 percent fat, and the rest is compound. from moisture and minerals. The physical appearance of wheat grains is very diverse. The length of wheat grains varies from 5 to 8 mm, their width from 2.5 to 4.5 mm, and their weight from 20 to 60 mg. Wheat color ranges from beige or pea (known as white wheat) to red-brown (known as red wheat). Depending on the various factors of the components of the endosperm, the seeds can have a soft or hard texture. Wheat is one of the most used products in Iran.