After wheat, the most agricultural lands in the world are dedicated to corn. The ingredients of corn include protein, carbohydrates, fat, and water. This food has a high nutritional value and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants as well as minerals and fiber. Spikes are female inflorescences covered with several layers of strong leaves. So that they do not show themselves easily until the appearance of pale yellow threads that protrude from the end of the cob. These filaments are raised stigmas that look like a tuft of hair and are green at first and then turn yellow or red. Cultivation for forage ensiling is usually done more densely, and in the end, a lower percentage of cobs and more plant material is obtained. Certain varieties of corn have been modified so that they produce many more ears. These are the source of baby corns, which are used as a vegetable in Asian cuisine. This product is very cheap and suitable compared to other food products due to its many therapeutic benefits and properties.